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The Perverse American Media
by AGS
Living in America we may feel pretty lucky having a
media that isn't directly censored by the government,
but what do we do with this freedom? Jack crap. In
fact worse than that. In this age of split-second
communication we don't spend the time to listen to a
speech or read a full article. We want everything
paraphrased by the evening news. Journalism is no
longer an art, it's just a competition of how short you
can make a story and how big you can make your
exclamation points. There is hope, the Internet
provides endless information on millions of topics,
but no one is searching for this information because
they are unaware. Another thing that sickens me about
American media is how it can leave Americans so
uninformed about international news. We may find some false 
security in this but its just that: false
security. It can all be seen in our newspapers.
International news has about a 10 by 6inch section in
the news paper usually in the later pages of the
paper. I don't think that the fact that the Holiday
shopping season is starting is more important than the
fact that two warring countries, India and Palestine,
are developing nuclear weapons, and neither country is
very fond of the US. With this Push button warfare no
one cares anymore. People are suffering every second,
but Americans have been trained to brush off
international turmoil like yesterdays trash. Things
are happening that could directly effect you sometime
soon, but since no one has advanced on America since
the Mexican-American war. Americans not only ignore
international news they block it out. Filling news
reports with scandals and celebrity news
stories that are barely good enough for the national
inquirer. I'm not saying you should fear for your
immediate demise, although it might get you motivated.
I'm just saying to realize there is more out there than
what is put under your nose. Thanks for reading.